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This week, all the YAVs lived at Stony Point Center in New York, and tried to get a handle on just what it is that we signed up for. I got to know my future housemates and site coordinator, met a lot of wonderful people I want to keep in touch with (including my roommate here and every member of my small group), and ate so much delicious, healthy, locally-grown food that I am beginning to look with despair on the prospect of feeding myself again.

I also had a lot of conversations this week. Some of those conversations were very difficult. Some were incredibly life-giving and affirming. Some were both. I am still sorting through and processing a lot of what we went over this week. I want to devote a longer post to what I learned, but I still need a little time to get my thoughts in order. Maybe I'll write that post on the plane tomorrow!

In any case, I want to thank, deeply and from the bottom of my heart, everyone who helped me get here, directly or indirectly. I've been at this for less than a week, and I already feel that my life has changed.

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