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Looking Toward the Future

It's been a busy couple of months! I had a roommate move out, a few stressful obstacles at work to overcome, and an online class start up. So it's helpful to me (and hopefully to you as well) to plan out, in writing, what I plan to do on this blog over the next few weeks.

Right now, I'm taking a course on vocational discernment through McCormick Seminary (online, of course, as the seminary is in Chicago), and doing a lot of thinking, talking, and writing about what the future might hold. I'll probably crib a bit from those writings over the next few weeks for this blog, so look out for that.

My housemates and I are also working our way through America's Original Sin by Jim Wallis, and I will have some insights to share about that, particularly as it may relate to the seasons of Lent and Easter.

At my worksite, Senior Support Services, I've made some good friends and had some interesting conversations, some of which I have gotten permission to share here.

Finally, I am super-excited for "Weird Al" Yankovic's upcoming "Ridiculously Self-Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour," so I will probably devote at least one post to my love of all things Al.

Anyway, thank you, if you're reading this, for sticking around and supporting me. It really means the world to me, especially during difficult and stressful times like the last few weeks.

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